Stuck in a Career Rut?

“I find myself energized in our sessions, challenged in a very positive way, and amazed at all I am learning. I would recommend working with Sarah to anyone who is feeling disengaged, considering career changes, or looking for a deeper dive on understanding their motivations and choices in work.” - Melissa, Marketing

Are you sick of waking up, every day wondering ‘is this it’? Are you tired of feeling disengaged in your work? Perhaps you’re done with the uncertainty, you want to grab the bull by the horns and take control of your career.

And now you’ve come to look for a Career Coach. Can they help you get to where you want to be? Where is it you want to be?! All of the burning questions.

90,000 hours. That’s the average amount of time we’re expected to spend in our careers right now over the course of a lifetime. I’m a big believer in making these hours count, because let’s face it - you don’t get them back. Time is the most valuable currency you have.

Have you considered how you’re spending yours? You don’t need to make any monumental life changes here, but taking a step back to reflect and get to know who you are, and what you want for your time, is an investment you won’t regret.

‘Chalk and Cheese’ is how one client described his before Vs After situation after working together. Simple and yet, that’s how it could be for you too.

Who do I generally work with? I work with two main groups of people - those who are stuck in their career journey and want more. And then those who are in the season of parenting, whether new or experienced (!), and know that their career doesn’t align with their family or with who they are anymore (or ever!). If this is you, wonderful - keep reading! If this isn’t, I still have a massive network of coaching friends and will happily recommend any if needed - email me: sarah{at}

"Sarah is an incredible career coach, and my time with her has by far been the best investment in my career to date. Sarah helped me at a time when I wasn't sure what route to take in advancing my career."

— Regina, Marketing

You might feel -

  • A new identity shift since returning to work as a parent. Something’s gotta give

  • Unmotivated and ‘blerghh’ every day. No energy for your job and maybe it’s trickling over to other parts of your life

  • Confused about the next steps in your career but something needs to change

  • Wondering when you’ll feel seen and recognised in your current work setup

  • You want to make an impact in your career, for you, for your legacy. Where do you start?

  • Trying to pinpoint what you have to offer is, well confusing. Analysis paralysis

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Is that you? This could help -

  • Feel clear, confident and reenergized in your career. Don’t you deserve that?

  • 4-6 months of coaching (8 sessions, 60 minutes each)

  • Get clear on what’s next and reignite that spark of engagement in your career. Spot the patterns that haven’t been serving you to-date and pinpoint why

  • Polish up your external stories - interview approach, LinkedIn brand building, CV audits + job search strategy

  • Take the steps outside of your comfort zone together - think of me as your Career Partner, your guide on the side, the Ron + Hermione to you as Harry

  • Your definition of success. As determined by you (only).

  • Unlimited email/Whatsapp support throughout the engagement + resources galore (through a GDrive folder)

  • Also have a few laughs along the way - fun is absolutely crucial - this is your One Wild Life after all (thank you Mary Oliver!)

Who is Sarah of Story Coach?

Hello! I’m Sarah Lennon, of Story Coach. I’m an ACC Accredited with the International Coaching Federation, a Playing Big Facilitator and Story Skills Professional and right now I’ve over 600+ coaching hours working with amazing souls like you, under my belt. I’m here to be your Career Guide, stand side-by-side with you as your start your new chapter, whatever that looks like.

Time is one of the most important things to value I believe, and your career fits smack right within this. If you’re spending 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week doing something consistently, it’s worth investing a bit of time into making sure that’s something you enjoy right?

Three keywords that come through as feedback from previous clients are - transformed, heard and partnership. This is what I focus on throughout the coaching engagement. The approach I take is evidence-based and learning is one of my own core values, meaning that I’m constantly looking for ways to professionally develop which can in turn, hopefully benefit anyone that I work with. You can learn more about my story here.

What a journey! Having really struggled to understand why I was so frustrated in my current role, Sarah really helped me to dig deep to understand the why behind this.. my values. Working with Sarah has been one of the best investments I have made in myself, I got way more out of this than I ever envisaged.
— Ailish, Innovation Management

Your Next Chapter

Over 4-6 months (depending on you), we’ll work together over 8 sessions of 60 minutes. Generally via Zoom but if you’re in Dublin, let’s try for F2F?

If you’re sick of feeling unclear, uncertain and demotivated by your current career situation, then this could be the right programme for you.

There is ‘work’ involved - know I have no magic wand. Together we’ll work towards getting clear on your story - think a career audit, dig into the common themes and using these, craft your next steps.

If you’re unsure of whether this is either the right time for coaching or if I’m the right coach for you, let’s chat and check in to see?

Next Chapter Pricing from €1750 (Vat Inclusive)

Next Chapter Transformation: Priceless (!)


How do I know if coaching is the best fit for me right now?

Coaching is a non-therapeutic intervention for clients who are ready to look at and define what their goals are. It is flexible and collaborative but unless we are in a ‘strategy session’, it’s less about advice and more about you looking at your own answers. Jenni from Fink Development has three great signs for how you’ll know if you’re ready for coaching - you’re already convinced of the power of coaching, you’re ready to make an investment in your career in both time and money and you have realistic expectations for what you can achieve within a certain time outcome. It’s crucial that someone is ready for coaching before they engage in a coaching relationship, because it’s a strong predictor of how successful the outcome will be, both for the client and the coach.

Do you offer a shorter programme for someone looking for a quicker ‘result’?

No - not right now. Having worked with clients for shorter stints, for longer stints and even doing ‘one-off’ sessions - this 8-session prog, is what I’ve seen and experienced to be the most effective. With existing clients, I do offer one-off sessions for interviewing/networking support but that generally comes after.

Can I read some feedback from previous clients?

Sure of course. Either here (on my website), here on Google Reviews or here on LinkedIn (scroll to ‘Recommendations’).

What type of clients do you generally work with?

Mainly women - 80% who are generally at the mid-level in their careers. FMCG, Tech, Nonprofit and Finance being the main sectors. But this isn’t hard and fast. The ‘fit’ can depend on multiple factors - personality connection, values alignment, the programme offered (if it fits the need). The fit is absolutely crucial in coaching.

Where do the calls take place?

Via Zoom - prior to the session, if you can download it and test out the different technical bits so we’ll have a smooth run! I’ve started to run F2F walk + talk coaching sessions with some of my Dublin-based clients. If this is you, let’s do it :)

Will you rewrite my CV for me?

This is not a service I offer. I will do a CV/Resume Audit but ultimately I believe everyone needs to know how to edit, maintain and create their own amazing CV. Yes some are stronger writers than others but creating an impactful CV requires the same type of prep that interviewing does. It’s a long term skill that pays off dividends.

When are you available?

Coaching sessions take place on Wednesdays or Thursdays generally.

Do you accept Corporate Funding?

Of course yes - at least 50% of the 1:1 coaching I do has been financed by organisation support in the past. Many clients utilise their learning budget for this and I can support with conversation approaches to this.

I’m not in Ireland - can we still work together?

Absolutely! Only about 50% of my clients are in Ireland. I work with people right across the globe, from India to America and beyond so yes.

When can we start?

Well let’s have a chat first - how about that? See that there is a good ‘fit’ there and then we can rock + roll. I’m currently working with people across 5 countries. Perhaps you’ll make it six?

If there are any questions unanswered here - send me a note:

Here’s where some of my previous clients have come from: